Séminaire Européen – 29 & 30 juin 2000
Pour les industriels de la thermique le GRETh organise un séminaire européen les 29 et 30 juin 2000 à Grenoble.
Thème technique :
Équipements thermiques dans les industries du froid et des procédés.
A propos du séminaire :
The objective of the seminar, ES 2000, is to provide an European Forum for the presentation and discussion of recent research on and technical developments in : “Heat Equipment for the Process and Refrigeration Industries”.
Networks and Research and Technology Development projects are set out.
This 2-day Seminar will be of interest to a large group of researchers and engineers from research centres and industry.If you are interested in the Seminar, please send the reply card to the Seminar secretariat.
Reply Card (fichier PDF):