GRETh News

Séminaire Européen – 29 & 30 juin 2000


Pour les industriels de la thermique le GRETh organise un séminaire européen les 29 et 30 juin 2000 à Grenoble.

Thème technique :
Équipements thermiques dans les industries du froid et des procédés.

A propos du séminaire :

The objective of the seminar, ES 2000, is to provide an European Forum for the presentation and discussion of recent research on and technical developments in : “Heat Equipment for the Process and Refrigeration Industries”.

Networks and Research and Technology Development projects are set out.
This 2-day Seminar will be of interest to a large group of researchers and engineers from research centres and industry.

If you are interested in the Seminar, please send the reply card to the Seminar secretariat.

Reply Card (fichier PDF):


The GRETh, an association of industrialists involved in the manufacture of heat exchangers and thermal equipment, engineering studies for thermal installations in industry and the building sector, and the operation of energy production and conversion sites.
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