
SHERHPA – Sustainable Heat and Energy Research for Heat Pump Applications


Le GRETh assure depuis plus de quinze ans la conduite de projets européens dans le domaine de la thermique industrielle. Il a une longue expérience reconnue de coordination et de participation à des projets européen.

Projet SHERHPA :

L'Association a déposé un programme à la CEE dont le thème porte sur le développement des pompes à chaleur et les systèmes de réfrigération. Nos collègues du CETIAT sont partenaires de ce projet qui s'appelle SHERHPA.

Strategic objectives :

This project concerns the strategic area : 'Energy savings and energy efficiency, including those to be achieved through the use of renewable raw materials' sub-activity on 'low-energy construction and/or retrofitting materials, innovative components and technologies' and the area : 'Cost-effective energy supply of renewable energies' sub-activity on 'heat/cooling from renewable energy sources".

Abstract :
Sustainable energy systems, such as heat pumping technologies, provide an efficient use of renewable energy from the ambient and of waste heat sources. Typical applications are space heating, domestic hot water and processes with combined heating and cooling. Doubling the number of heat pumps in Europe by 2010 would increase the annual energy and CO2 emission savings to 100 TWh and 40 million tons respectively. To achieve such an ambitious target on European level and to support the creation of a strong market impact, in addition to the European Heat Pump Association, EHPA (policy, strategy and marketing) and the European Heat Pump Network, EHPN (dissemination of information, Website) a dedicated project towards SMEs is jointly proposed GRETh (Heat Equipment Association) and EHPA.

This project deals with the development of heat pumps that are cost-energy efficient and in compliance with the future environmental regulations. The new environmental regulations, concerning greenhouse gases and the protection of the ozone layer, will lead to the phase out of conventional refrigerants. For example, in the EC the 'Freon' R22 phase out is scheduled in 2010. Therefore 'natural fluids' have to be adopted (hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide or ammonia), but this implies a change in the components technology and control system. Heat pumps are components that allow energy savings for heating and cooling buildings and for many industrial applications, and concern a very large spectrum of applications much wider than the existing heat pump market.

During the first half of the project, components and subsystems (heat exchangers, controllers, ground coupling system, heat recovery) will be developed, tested and optimised. Afterward, during the second half of the project, prototypes will be developed and tested in laboratories prior to field tests. In parallel with these research activities, a training programme will be set-up. This programme will include technical training and e-learning for engineers.

This project is coordinated by two independent associations (Greth and EHPA), that have complementary activities; the core group is composed of 20 SMEs from 12 countries, including participants from the newly associated states; and the RTD work will be performed by 10 centre of excellence, from 9 EC and associated countries, in the area of heat pumps, energy and control.

 SHERHPA : Control algorithm suite for HC, NH3 and CO2 components
 SHERHPA : A review of hydrocarbon two-phase heat transfer in compact heat exchangers and enhanced geometries
 SHERHPA : Regulation concerning fluorinated refrigerants
 SHERHPA : Characteristics of hydrocarbon refrigerants. Comparison with R22
 SHERHPA : Standards and Regulations upon the Use of Hydrocarbons as Refrigerants
 SHERHPA : Components for small ammonia heat pump systems

 SHERHPA : Deliverable D13a - Evaluation of System Control Algorithms for HC, NH3 and CO2 Heat Pumps
 SHERHPA : Deliverable D13b - System Integration of Heat Pumps


The GRETh, an association of industrialists involved in the manufacture of heat exchangers and thermal equipment, engineering studies for thermal installations in industry and the building sector, and the operation of energy production and conversion sites.
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