Comparative study of calculation results between software EchTherm, HTRI, and the experimental results from a test bench - Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Summary :

The objective of this report is to provide the performance results of a shell and tube heat exchanger resulting from simulations carried out using EchTherm and HTRI software and to compare the results of said software with the experimental performance results of the same. heat exchanger tested on a test bench.

This document follows the technical report "Comparative study of calculation results between EchTherm and HTRI software on 9 case studies", written in 2018 by GRETh, which made it possible to compare the results of exchanger calculations from the EchTherm software with those of the Xchanger Suite 7 software from the company HTRI. Among the 9 case studies treated, 5 were carried out on a tube and shell heat exchanger technology. As each software is equipped, among other things, with its own correlations and calculation methods, more or less important differences in results were noted between EchTherm and HTRI.

In order to complete this first analysis, GRETh therefore carried out a test campaign on a shell and tube heat exchanger in order to compare the software results with measurements taken from a test bench.

The main characteristics of the tests which were carried out are as follows :

  • Single-phase fluids: water / water
  • Temperature: between 10 ° C and 90 ° C
  • Power: up to 1.3 MW
  • Flow: up to 30 kg / s

This technical report is organized in such a way as to provide with the greatest possible clarity all the elements which enabled this work to be carried out. Thus, here are the themes of the main chapters of this report :

  • Presentation of the exchanger and the test bench ;
  • Choice of test points ;
  • Presentation of metrology ;
  • Analysis of measurement uncertainties ;
  • Treatment and method of analysis of a test point ;
  • Analysis and comparison of the results on each case study;
  • Global analyzes and associated explanations.

It should be noted that the results of the comparisons (Software VS Experiments) are presented in the form of complete tables but also in the form of radar type graphs in order to propose an analysis of the results which is intended to be visual, fast and efficient while remaining sufficiently quantitative./p>

At the very end of the document, a summary will be provided and will make it possible to propose perspectives on the axes of development and improvement of the EchTherm software.

This document is made available exclusively to GRETh members.

Heat exchanger, tubes and shell, software, EchTherm, HTRI, simulation, test, experimentation, test bench, measurement, data analysis, uncertainty.



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